Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, at the inauguration of Techo Santepheap coastal highway – Angkol Beach, under a concessional loan from the Asian Development Bank [Selected Translations]
![Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, at the inauguration of Techo Santepheap coastal highway – Angkol Beach, under a concessional loan from the Asian Development Bank [Selected Translations]](
(1) Techo Santepheap Angkol Beach coastal highway connected to the community of handicrafts, agriculture and tourism
The achievement of the Techo Santepheap Angkol Beach coastal highway is not only for the people of Kep, but for the people in the country as a whole […] this highway opens access to tourists that they can reach the village or the community. For example, the construction of the road (Techo Santepheap, Angkol Beach, under a concessional loan from the Asian Development Bank) could connect to the salt production community and/or fishing community. We can organize various tourism products […] this achievement is a part of our efforts to score achievements across the country […]
(2) Studying the construction of cycling routes in the four coastal provinces
According to the plan of (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction) His Excellency Say Sam Al, we are planning to build a cycling route that will connect all four (coastal) provinces […] from Kep to Koh Kong […] we only have four (coastal) provinces. We should examine the potential of each province as it is an important attraction. We now have an increasing number of bicyclists. Some can ride a bike from Phnom Penh to visit Kep (for) health and comfort, as well as facilitating other forms of travelers […]
(3) The construction of roads, waterways, railways, and airways ensures sustainable economic growth
From the previous terms, (the Royal Government has set strategic goals on) people, roads, water, and electricity. Efforts for the construction of roads, infrastructure, roads, waterways, railways, airways are important. This is a principle and a basis to ensure sustainable economic growth and direct benefits in transport and consumption to our people, and to increase economic activity at the local level. On this occasion, we can summarize (the work results of the Royal Government) for more than a year […] including roads and bridges constructions. Today, we have more than 12km of roads, a major achievement of Kep in tourism. We are building the Funan Techo canal, preparing the Sihanoukville Port, expanding the port, plus preparing and strengthening the logistics system. In the last 15 months, the new government has done a lot of works […]
(4) Why are there new achievements to inaugurate if the RGC did not do anything?
I would like to send a message to James Sok […] who said “the new government could do nothing …” […] what really disappointed me was when he said – firstly, (that) the government does not do anything. How come the government has been inaugurating achievements […] while he blames the government for doing anything, he acknowledges that the government has been inaugurating (achievements). Well, I do not understand (what he is trying to say). If the government does not do anything, how come it has (new) achievements to inaugurate? And secondly, that he is living and sitting in a room on the other side of the earth, he is making an assessment that the state is not moving forward […]
Expressing an opinion is his right. I welcome the fact that he positions himself as an analyst who make constructive criticism, but I am begging for a scientific, not emotional, analysis. This emotional analysis creates negative hypothesis, which links to negative, if not false, evidences, while rejecting every other fact […] if one is a real analyst and wishes to provide constructive information, I welcome him to come to Cambodia to meet and listen to the ministers of relevant ministries […] because when a ministry or an institution is under attack, it is not just the minister but also all officials who have worked hard, for instance, in trade negotiations and market expansion […] are under attacks […]
(5) Techo Santepheap Angkol coastal highway improves the infrastructure of Kep province for better economic flow
Obviously, some may consider the today’s achievement of the 12 kilometers Techo Santepheap Angkaol coastal road a small achievement? It is not. Comparing to tens of thousands of kilometers of road across the country, this 12-kilometer coastal road may seem small, but it has provided huge benefit to the people. On the one hand, it has to do with the image and attractiveness of Kep’s infrastructure to improve and to organize tourist sites, and more than 6,000 families can travel more easily […] those who live here enjoy the road which facilitates the creation of an economic stream and income and recognize that this road is beneficial to them. This is the result of our efforts to achieve the goal of enabling local people to get the maximum benefit possible […]
(6) ADB acts as a multi-sectoral partnership with the government
Take this opportunity, I thank the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for its support to the development of many key sectors in Cambodia. Since becoming a member of the ADB in 1966, especially since 1992, just one year after the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, to date, Cambodia has enjoyed partnership in many important areas, as mentioned by the ADB representative. In addition to the public work sector, the bank has extended partnership to energy, agriculture, natural resources, vocational training and many other sectors. Therefore, through His Excellency Mr. Anthony R. Gill who is also present here today, I would thank the leadership and ADB institution for their partnership, and hope to continue to be a partner to build long-term development in the future […]
(7) Kep province development born of joint sacrifice and peace factor
The fact that we can bring development to Kep to this day, and to continue to grow to the future, has gone through a history […] we can develop only when the country is reunited. The crucial factor that makes Kep become what it is today, with this growing potential, and development, and have the basis for further development, is not by chance or destined by the angels to be so. It has come from sacrifice, from unity, and it is a story of sacrifice and national unity, so that we can end the war together and rebuild the country. This is a real factor and a real situation […]
The key factor is peace and stability. These words may be heard over and over again […] we cannot let go the value of these words. Without peace, Kep may not be able to get here. People may not visit Kep, as well as any provinces in the war-torn country […] once peace is absent, even a province as small as Kep territory could also become a realm of instability with fighting. Not only the Cambodians, but even foreigners would not come because of killing. Once there is instability, no one comes […]
Once peace is lost, it is not just the opposition party or the opposition people, the people all over the country, not only the officials, the supporters of the CPP, by anyone who support any political party are to be affected by the war. There is no distinguishing between political parties. If the country fights and kills each other, it would be the Khmers who kill Khmers, peace will disappear, all will suffer, all will die, everyone will lose […]
(8) Why is government elected by 8.2 million people and according to the Constitution illegal?
Some (are still trying) endlessly to mobilize people and work on breaking up (the country). These days, there has been formation of a movement abroad, such as a shadow government, with only the Prime Minister and a Facebook page […] and it is said that the government in Cambodia is an illegal government. How could the government elected by 8.2 million people in July 2023 under the Constitution be considered an illegal government, while the one they just formed it alone and has only Facebook and TikTok followers is considered legitimate? What does that mean? This means that they are insulting the 8.2 million Cambodian voters, and that also include the nearly 30,000 Kep voters who went to the polls in 2023 […]
(9) The 9-November-2019 and 18-August-2024 attempts to burn the country have lose faith and support
(The attempts on) November 9, 2019 … calling on and mobilizing people to volunteer to die […] and on August 18 (2024) by inspired people to push Cambodians young people in Japan (to go against the government) […] who have now woken up to join the government […] are losing faith in the mobilisers […] they can no longer use those people […] lately someone took a fly to Korea trying to inspire and deceive the people, and/or the workers there regarding the CLV-DTA […] if the CLV-DTA cooperation is as bad as they think or say, why is it that when they were members of the National Assembly, their political party never brought it up for discussion? This group met every year, there was no reaction from them […] I thank the people at home and abroad for understanding the will and sincerity of the Royal Government, especially in relation to the CLV-DTA, either through supporting the Royal Government in the past decisions, as well as refusing to participate in the further calls of extremist groups that are trying to burn this story […] we have never, at any time, allowed loss of territory and/or national sovereignty […]
(10) No sale of ITC, but another branch is to be built along the win-win road
Yesterday, VOD said that the government is to trade away ITC, while in fact (we in the Government) do not know about it […] the ITC is standing there. One fact is that there are now more students to take in. In this regard, they are setting up another branch along the win-win road. We will keep this ITC and set up more branches […] the ITC and the Ministry of Education (Youth and Sports) have both come out and clarified the matter, but as you know for false information, there would be hundreds of thousands of viewers. However, when we clarify with fact, there would be 4 to 10 or 1,000 viewers […] as a professional journalist, no one can expect to correct all the time.
However, a responsible journalist, when one knows that what one published is not correct, one must recognize the fault and clearly it in erratum […] that fact that we are asking (for correction) is to maintain our integrity […] some have been exercising the injustice upon us because we have been submissive. Let me make it clear now that you can “exercise your rights and freedoms, but do not violate the law. Act peacefully, express your views, but be responsible, do not do anything, assign or mobilize people to take action that leads to “damaging security, social order, or the disintegration of the country as what they did on August 18 (2024)” […]
(11) Five recommendations for Kep to become a diamond province of tourism
Partnering with the national level can help to some extent, but the important point is the local authority must turn the province into a diamond of tourism, thus creating the potential that we have such as mountains, forests, seas and biodiversity in the sea, so that we can ensure […] firstly, organizing aesthetics, urban planning and zoning, and good construction; […] secondly, taking care of sanitation issue; […] thirdly, working on security and safety; […] fourthly, producing rich tourism products; […] whereby organizing the coastal of Angkaol as a public beach as we would need more natural beaches where people can take a sea bathing; […] keeping the mangrove forest as an attraction; […] creating a group of provinces with potential to work together to create more sharing products; […] and fifthly, ensuring good customer services […] which is not just the service or product, but the response to concerns or problems […]./.