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Closing Remarks of Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet of the 12th General Assembly of International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) and Related Meetings: “A Quest for Peace and Reconciliation”

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Closing Remarks of Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet of the 12th General Assembly of International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) and Related Meetings: “A Quest for Peace and Reconciliation” Closing Remarks of Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet of the 12th General Assembly of International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) and Related Meetings: “A Quest for Peace and Reconciliation”


  • The Honorable Chung Eui-yongChairman of ICAPP Standing Committee
  • The Honorable Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Co-Chairman of ICAPP Standing Committee and Special Rapporteur
  • The Honorable Kwon Hee-seogSecretary General of ICAPP
  • Excellencies Heads of Delegations, Honourable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Let me begin by acknowledging the invaluable presence of all leaders and representatives of 64 political parties from 45 countries at this 12th ICAPP General Assembly here in Phnom Penh.

I would like to express my appreciation for the comprehensive reports on the outcome of the Plenary Sessions, the Roundtable Discussion of Political Parties, the 3rd Meeting of the ACC, and the 7th Meeting of the Media Forum.

My special thanks and appreciation go to the Organizing Committee, ICAPP Secretariat and all the distinguished members of ICAPP delegations from Asia, Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe for the exceptional dedications and cooperation, making our gatherings in Phnom Penh a success and a new historical milestone for ICAPP and its members.

The Cambodian People’s Party is deeply honored and proud to have hosted the General Assembly of ICAPP twice, the first of which was held in 2010 with tremendous success and fruitful outcome. For this second time, I note with great satisfaction the adoption of the Phnom Penh Peace Declaration and the ACC Statement which demonstrate our common aspiration, commitment and collaboration among ICAPP members toward our quest for peace and reconciliation.

Let me reiterate that peace remains and should remain the prevailing factor in every society. ICAPP has done a wonderful job, as the leading and largest organization of Asian political parties, in driving peace and promoting reconciliation, co-existence, inter-faith and social harmony, and shared prosperity for mankind.

Excellencies, Honorable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

For Cambodia’s peace journey, we can never stress enough the transformative power of reconciliation and the visionary leadership behind the win-win policy spearheaded by Samdech Techo Hun Sen. Our national reconciliation, integration and total peace in late 1998 have paved the way for effective post-conflict reconstruction, deep and comprehensive reforms, and reintegration into regional and global communities. It allows Cambodia to become an active player in advancing multilateralism and the rules-based international order.

Among others, the success of the c (ECCC), known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, which has delivered justice for the dead and peace for the survivors, and our role in global peacekeeping and demining operations under the umbrella of the United Nations tell the stories of Cambodia’s resilience in facing difficult past, setting global norms against future atrocities and crimes against humanity, and transforming Cambodia from being a victim into an active guardian of peace and world-recognized deminer.

Cambodia’s experiences demonstrate that conflicts can be ended, transitional justice can be delivered, and war zones can be turned into zones of peace, cooperation and development, only attainable by dedications and devotions to win-win reconciliation and peaceful solutions. As we reflect on Cambodia’s history, we are reminded that peace is not one nation’s responsibility alone—it is a collective effort. We call upon all nations, institutions, and individuals to come together in the pursuit of lasting peace.

Early this week, the Cambodian People’s Party as the Vice-President of the Centrist Democrat International (CDI), hosted the CDI Executive Committee Meeting, during which a Special Forum on Peace for People and the Planet was held to discuss about the role of youth and the proposed establishment of the Universal Peace Charter (UPC), a global architecture for peacebuilding, under the auspices of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) that seeks synergy and collaboration from states and non-state entities, including political parties, think tanks, private sector and other civil society organizations.

The UPC covers five core pillars, namely (1) Conflict Prevention, (2) Peace Building Process and Good Offices, (3) Transitional Justice, (4) Post-conflict Reconstruction and Humanitarian and Disaster Response, and (5) Food Security and Sustainable Development in Response to Climate Change. May I take the liberty to encourage ICAPP to support this endeavor and to table our statement of support to the 11th Plenary Session of IPTP tomorrow, which will be hosted by the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The CDI adopted the Siem Reap Declaration on endorsing the UPC. I see the relevancy for ICAPP to support and seek collaboration in enhancing our international roles in peacebuilding and international development, capitalizing on our deep and profound experience, strengths, and a growing network with other peacebuilding platforms. I truly believe that ICAPP holds the hope for future peace. Together we wintogether we grow endlessly and profoundly.

On this note, I extend sincere appreciation to the Founding Chairman of ICAPP, the Honorable Jose de Venecia, the Honorable Chung Eui-yong, Chairman of ICAPP Standing Committee, and all ICAPP global family for the exceptional dedication, efforts, and collaboration in ensuring the sustainability, growth and vibrancy of ICAPP. For these, I salute and thank you.

Last but not least, allow me to wish you all a pleasant stay for those who plan to visit Siem Reap, our World Heritage Sites, and other parts of Cambodia. For those who will return to their home countries, please have a safe trip. I wish you all greater success and prosperity in all personal and professional undertakings.

I now declare the conclusion of the 12th ICAPP General Assembly.

Thank you!
